Freemasonry: Manking's Hidden EnemyFreemasonry: Mankind's Hidden Enemy

Bro. Charles Madden, O.F.M. Conv.

This small work of less than seventy pages has more misstatements than works far more than twice its size. It is authored and published by a militant Catholic group (not, apparently, authorized by legitimate Catholic authorities) located in Illinois called the "Militia Immaculatae [Knights of the Immaculata]". Their web page proclaims that they encourage "total consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary". 

This work uses eight 'Sources' for information, four of which are previously published anti-Masonic books (Shaw, Hannah, Epperson and Fisher) and, of course, out-of-context quotes from Pike's Morals and Dogma. The book, when not presenting outright lies, is astonishingly condescending and includes many snide remarks like the comment of how the Masons in Rome were celebrating the 200th centenary of the fraternity in 1917 "...with bold demonstrations in the streets, proclaiming the coming destruction of the Church."

Some of the claims made (Lodge Masters 'baptizing' new members) are outright falsifications while others (that copies of Morals & Dogma cannot fall into the hands of non-Masons but must be returned to the Scottish Rite {in North America and Canada}, for example) play loosely with the truth. (Copies were requested returned due to high printing costs; the fact that they were not in so many, many cases disproves their created falsehood!)

This book is from an organization with an 'agenda' and it relies strongly on other works of lies. It is little wonder that this will be among the 'arsenal' of those who promote anti-Masonry. Regrettably, it attempts to continue the long-standing negativism promoted by the Roman Catholic Church when, in fact, this organization has no real connections to them (except for their frenetic claims that they're "true" Catholics.... <sigh>).

Hardly worth bothering with....

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